
Welcome To The Thrive Programme

In here you will find some fascinating information which outlines exactly what The Programme is and how it can help take control of your thoughts, emotions and actions and ultimately your life! Welcome to the ride!

Programme Overview

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The Thrive Programme will teach you everything you need to know to build awesome, life-changing social confidence. Welcome to ride!

Programme Outcomes

The aim of the programme is to develop knowledge, understanding and awareness of those skills, abilities and competencies that constitutes a thriving mindset and attitude.

Programme Structure

The Thrive Programme consists of 8 modules.  The first 7 modules deal with the 7 elements of thriving – these are the core elements that each person needs to have to thrive in life.

Module 1

Beliefs & Cognition

Module 2

Your Sense of Power and Control over Experience

Module 3

Self Esteem

Module 4

Social Confidence

Module 5

Language and Self-talk

Module 6

Thinking Styles

Module 7

Responding Well to Stressors

Module 8



The Thrive Programme is unlike any programme you have studied before. It’s a unique, evidence-based psychological training programme that will teach you everything you need to know to thrive. Those who are thriving have a joyful, positive, optimistic outlook on life – they’re robust, enthusiastic and resilient. They live an active, healthy lifestyle, are fun to be around and face the obstacles, hurdles and challenges of life with a ‘can do’ and ‘will do’ attitude. But here’s the thing – those who are thriving aren’t born this way. They learned to think, react and behave in a powerful, confident way. The Thrive Programme will teach you to do the same!

Programme Outcomes

The aim of the programme is to develop knowledge, understanding and awareness of those skills, abilities and competencies that constitutes a thriving mindset and attitude.

On completion of the programme clients will be able to:

  • Build and maintain empowering beliefs including the importance of creating and maintaining an internal sense of power and control over experience;
  • Define self-esteem, and self-confidence – know what these belief systems are and how to create and develop them;
  • Use visualisation to help imagine success and feeling at ease in social situations;
  • Tolerate uncomfortable thoughts and feelings;
  • Evaluate the difference between active and passive language and the role of self-talk;
  • Know how to respond adaptively to stress and pressure and how to manage your emotional reactions and stay calm in all situations;
  • Define thriving and what it means to you personally;
  • Identify additional challenges to engage in – to ensure you continue to thrive;
  • Apply strategies and techniques consistently and constantly from this day forth.

Programme Structure

The Thrive Programme consists of 8 modules. The first 7 modules deal with the 7 elements of thriving – these are the core elements that each person needs to have to thrive in life. The 8th and final module summaries and brings together the client’s experience setting them up with the ability to self-coach from this point onwards.

MODULE 1: Beliefs & Cognition

MODULE 2: Your Sense of Power and Control over Experience

MODULE 3: Self Esteem

MODULE 4: Social Confidence

MODULE 5: Language and Self-talk

MODULE 6: Thinking Styles

MODULE 7: Responding Well to Stressors


Each module comprises of three separate but interrelated stages:

  • Education: the psycho-education developed through independent study and the completion of set assignments and homework.
  • Self-awareness: the psychological understanding and insight that develops through discussion, self-reflection and critical thinking.
  • Action: The importance of ‘doing’ the work. Education and self-awareness are important but it’s the positive, constructive actions the client takes that enables the client to achieve their goal.
Module 1

Beliefs & Cognition



Those who aren’t thriving have limiting beliefs about themselves and the world around. The client will learn of the importance of personal beliefs and belief systems including not only how beliefs are created developed and maintained but how they can be changed.



To be able to recognise, challenge and change your limiting beliefs.



By the end of the module you will be able to:

  • Know how and why you should change your limiting beliefs;
  • Understand the connection between personal beliefs and confirmation bias;
  • Understand how your beliefs about your sense of power and control and your own likeability help you to thrive in life.

Key concepts

Key concepts

Committing to change; acting with confidence; confronting and dealing with fear; being bold and courageous.
Module 2

Your Sense of Power and Control over Experience



Those who aren’t thriving will have an external locus of control and a strong desire for control. It is essential therefore that the client knows this and learns to reduce their desire for control and more importantly that they learn to develop an internal locus. Additional examples of control including direct influence and coping skills are also explored.



To create a more internal sense of power and control of experience.



By the end of the module you will be able to:

  • Explain your current SPACE score;
  • Understand that locus of control (internal SPACE) serves as a foundation for thriving in life – specifically for building high self-esteem/social confidence;
  • Recognise the difference between different types of control (direct influence, coping skills, desire for control, learned helplessness).

Key concepts

Key concepts

Taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions; understanding the choices we have; thought management vs thought control.
Module 3

Self Esteem



Those aren’t thriving will have low self-esteem and the inability to accept themselves for who they are. Those completing the Thrive Programme will learn to like themselves, value themselves and to believe they are loved, lovable and worthwhile. The self-esteem clients develop is, more specifically what we call internal self-esteem. This is when the feelings of self-worth and personal value we have come from within us and not are dependent upon feedback from others.



To build high, stable, internal self-esteem – generate self-acceptance.



By the end of the module, you will be able to:
• Define self-esteem and self-acceptance – know the difference between the two;
• Understand how to build and maintain high self-esteem;
• Learn to be self-accepting;
• Explain why it is important to process positive experiences daily;
• Define the link between an internal LoC and high self-esteem.

Key concepts

Key concepts

To self-coach in a kind, compassionate and charitable way; to be tolerant and patient with oneself; to have self-respect and to know that you are trusted, valued and liked; self-awareness and self-management.
Module 4

Social Confidence



Those aren’t thriving will be lacking in social confidence and, moreover, they may not understand how their lack of confidence developed hence the value of this module. The client will explore the significance of our social world including the role of social learning (the role of childhood experience, parenting and social influence including peer pressure, the role of other significance others, habitual thinking, obedience to authority are introduced and explored.



To have high social confidence in all areas of life.



By the end of the module, you will be able to:
• Understand the significance of Coué’s Law;
• Use visualisation to help you imagine success/feeling at ease in social situations;
• Understand the importance of tolerating uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

Key concepts

Key concepts

Dealing with unhelpful social relationships; modelling and social learning; mastering social skills; confident body language; effective eye contact; gesturing with purpose; developing high status characteristics; autonomy and independence; visualisation and imagination.
Module 5

Language and Self-talk



Those who are thriving have a tendency to talk to themselves, and to others in a rather harsh, critical way using language that is unhelpful and unbeneficial. This module will explore language both the language we use internally (self-talk/internal dialogue) and externally (conversational/professional talk). The module will enable clients to banish the harsh, inner critic who has been berating them and learn to install a supportive inner critic in the form of positive beneficial self-talk. The module will also explore the relation between thinking, beliefs and self-talk.



To understand the role of language and how to use it constructively.



By the end of the session you will be able to:
• Recognise how your thoughts and feelings are represented by the language we use – how our language use can create either a vicious or virtuous cir-cle;
• Understand the difference between active and passive language and the role of self-talk;
• Evaluate the role of non-verbal communication – apply effective non-verbal language effectively.

Key concepts

Key concepts

Silencing the inner critic; to self-coach with positive self-talk; communicating verbally with active language; communicating effective with effective verbal and non-verbal language; the power of a Duchenne smile; language in the media; language and medicalisation and the labelling of symptoms; meaning what you say and saying what you mean; amending medicalised terms; challenging passive language; language and the emotions.
Module 6

Thinking Styles



Those who aren’t thriving have a tendency to think in a distorted, dysfunctional way. Through completing this module clients will have the opportunity to explore, identify and change any unhelpful ways for thinking they may have. The relationship between thinking styles and language will also be explored and how a change in thinking and effect and change in thinking and vice versa. The relationship between thing styles and limiting beliefs will also be explored with the emphasis being placed on Locus of Control as the primary belief system.



To have a thriving attitude and a daily focus represented through thought and actions.



By the end of the session you will be able to:
• Identify nine unhelpful thinking styles and how to deal with them;
• Recognise when you are having a ‘blip’ and have strategies in place to reset your thinking style;
• Interpret the difference between real-time and anticipatory anxiety and the impact it has on your sense of social confidence.

Key concepts

Key concepts

Identifying and eradicating unhelpful thinking styles (i.e. catastrophic, perfectionist, all-or-nothing thinking); critical thinking and insight; the relationship between language and thought.
Module 7

Responding Well to Stressors



Those who aren’t thriving may experience a great deal of stress and anxiety as a result. This module teaches the client to thrive in the face of challenges. The difference between fear anxiety are introduce and explored. The importance of gaining perspective in learning to deal with challenging situations is emphasised.



To maintain a thriving attitude by processing the positives & bouncing back from challenges.



By the end of the module you will be able to:
• Know how to respond adaptively to stress and pressure
• Manage your emotional reactions and stay calm

Key concepts

Key concepts

The importance of resilience, grit and bounce-backability; courage and self-determination; the value of persistence, effort and hard-work; not giving up; embracing and accepting rejection and failure; learning from experience.
Module 8




The client will now have all the skills and resources needed to thrive in life. It’s just a question of applying what they have learned about how to build and maintain great social confidence. On completion of the programme the client may very well want to set some new goals to ensure they continue to learn, grow and improve in all areas of their life. Dealing with blips and developing the ability to self-coach is an essential part of the final few sessions. Though successful the clients new found confidence is still fragile and so having the ability to strengthen the psychological foundations they have developed is key.



To summarise and consolidate personal learning and experience.



By the end of the module you will be able to:
• Define thriving and what it means to you personally;
• Identify additional challenges to engage in – to ensure you continue to thrive;
• Apply strategies and techniques consistently and constantly from this day forth

Key concepts

Key concepts

Thriving mindset; creating a compelling future;

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